Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I hate technology!!!!

I swear the technology God's are against me this semester. Between issues at school and home I am so disconnected right now. I know this post is late but I need to just get this  posted to get it out of my head. We have lived here almost 3 years and have never had issues with internet it wasn't always the fastest but it was enough to get school work done, surf a bit and maybe stream a movie once in a while. We had an outage of our entire area the beginning of the semester and since then we have had slower than dial up speed. Come to find out when the internet came back on we were re prioritized and lost our high speed internet slot. The way internet works in some villages here in Germany is there are only a few high speed slots available and you have to wait for one depending on where your house is. We were lucky enough to get the slot of the people who lived in teh house before us so it was no big deal until now. So this was doable with computers at our library, until they reduced the amount of time you can be on a computer because so many people are now using them. So I was reduced to one hour at a time of computer use. Unless there was no one waiting them I could go over. Crazy I know but its my life.

Fast forward a few days and my school computers started acting up. It wasn't the computer but my ID card that we need to log onto the computer at school. Apparently my chip got a scratch on it and I had to go get a new card. it was either wait 4 weeks for an appointment or take an entire day and sit and wait. I opted for the sit and wait. So after watching Cars 2 twice and reading almost entire novel they issued me a new card and I could now log onto the computers at school.

I am ready for a break from technology!!! It can be so wonderful allowing me to see and communicate with family half a world away but when it goes wrong it can go so wrong!!!

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